Encl (1) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal N1: Achieve and sustain complete military readiness for CG units as
required by Department of Defense.
FY99 Target: Achieve a readiness index score of 72. Attaining this score
indicates that all required high endurance cutters and patrol boats, and
one out of seven required Port Security Units will achieve a C2 rating.
Measure: Weighted index of percentage of high endurance cutters, patrol
boats, and Port Security Units (PSU) that meet an average SORTS (Status of
Readiness and Training System) rating of C2 or higher.
Measurement Issues: FY96-97data was developed by sampling specific time
periods; methodology for better annualizing the data will be developed.
The SORTS readiness rating is determined by a multi-factor matrix that
calculates an overall readiness value: C1 is the highest rating, C5
lowest. The readiness index is calculated by determining the percentage of
required units meeting C2 and weighting these percentages (.25 for
cutters, .25 for patrol boats, .5 for PSUs) to arrive at an aggregated
index score. Data is obtained from the Status of Readiness and Training
System maintained by the Department of Defense. Confidence in the measure
is high.
Causal Factors to be Addressed:
Coast Guard is required to operate as a branch of the U.S. Armed
Defense readiness requires operations that are uniquely suited to Coast
Guard capabilities and expertise.
Strategies to Achieve Target:
Ongoing Strategies:
Seek ways to improve current logistics and maintenance systems to
increase readiness.
New Strategies:
Increase interoperability with DOD by implementing a new communications
system for message traffic.
Efficiency Strategies:
Update and rehabilitate assets to maintain current level of performance
with less resources because of increased efficiency.
Continue the Coast Guard's Deepwater project to award up to three
contracts to develop an integrated system of surface, air, command and
control, intelligence, and logistics systems to provide the functional
capability to carry out the Coast Guard's statutory mandates in the
deepwater area of responsibility. Concurrent with this effort, the
Administration will begin a Presidential Roles and Missions review of
future Coast Guard missions. The Coast Guard will avoid one-for-one
replacement of its existing assets, and achieve efficiencies by
capitalizing on better technology.