Encl (1) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal C2: Eliminate the flow of undocumented migrants entering the U.S.
via maritime routes.
FY99 Target: Hold the flow of undocumented migrants entering the U.S. via
maritime routes to no more than 13% of potential entry attempts.
Measure: Migrant success rate = number of migrants entering U.S. via
maritime/number potentially bound for U.S. via maritime.
Measurement Issues: Data obtained from Coast Guard data bases and the
Immigration and Naturalization Service. It is validated by program
Selected Program Standards/Customer Service Standards:
Monitor high threat areas sufficient to detect 40% of all vessels
engaged in or suspected of alien smuggling.
Intercept 90% of known alien smuggling events detected at sea.
Respond to all known alien smuggling events in progress.
Causal Factors to be Addressed:
Smuggling via maritime routes is a convenient and efficient method of
transporting undocumented migrants into the U.S.
Maritime borders are more difficult to control than entry points such
as airports and highway border crossings.
Undocumented migrants can be hidden aboard vessels engaged in legitimate
trade or disguised as legitimate crewmembers.
Strategies to Achieve Target:
Ongoing Strategies:
Establish agreements with source countries to assist in reducing
migrant flow. For example, aircraft overflight authority granted by
Dominican Republic in 1996, and the resulting deterrent effect,
contributed significantly to the decrease in the Dominican migrant
success rate.
Continue to maintain a presence in the maritime environment to deter
smugglers and reduce the flow of migrants.
Deploy Coast Guard assets to source and transit zone nations for
engagement and training to enhance regional forces' ability to prevent
migrant smuggling. Deployments will include UNITAS training and
assistance cutter deployments with the U.S. Navy to the Caribbean; and
training assistance to the Haitian Coast Guard
Use research and development to improve vessel detection capability,
resulting in better probability of detecting illegal smuggling.
New Strategies:
Improve tactical effectiveness by employing new aircraft mounted sensor
Establish a Caribbean International Support Tender to provide assistance
to and enhance the operational capability of Caribbean regional
maritime forces to better address migrant smuggling.