--As continuous improvements are made to the EBP, there should be a smoother translation
between Coast Guard executive performance indicators and program specific targets.
There is a lot of discussion about measurement. Does the EBP provide the guidance on
what to measure?
The EBP provides initial, macro guidance on what to measure from an executive level perspective.
The Planning and Programming Manual (COMDTINST 16010.1B), Chapter 12: Program
Measurement and Evaluation, provides guidance on how to develop results-oriented program
measures. Program Business Plans will also contain specific guidance on program measurement
requirements. Our goal is to develop program measurement guidance to complement the process
measurement guidance. As program managers and planners work with new and creative
approaches to measurement problems, we will learn how to transition from process measurement
into program performance outcomes. They complement each other and both are vital. We need to
clearly communicate standards and measures so our people can act independently to improve unit
performance. We need to base our decisions on data and information in order to minimize
variation and tampering with our business processes. We need to listen to our many customers and
provide the highest quality of service to them. We will know whether we have satisfied our
customers through our measured results.
21. What ks the relationship between the Commandant's Direction, the EBP, and the
Commandant's annual Performance Agreement with the Secretary of Transportation?
The Commandant's Direction is the foundation of the Performance Agreement between the
Commandant and the Secretary. The EBP provides guidance to the program directors in order for
them to develop the targets (how much & how soon), the completion of which will ultimately
accomplish these goals. These targets become Annex A to the Performance Agreement.