Enclosure (1) to COMDITINST 16010.12A
PEOPLE (continued)
Purpose. Workforce 2015 Goals call for an increase in the percentages of Coast Guard personnel
who are women and members of ethnic minorities. We will ensure an equal opportunity to serve in
the Coast Guard is available to all Americans without regard to ethnicity or gender. Diversity
increases the collective capability of Team CG and helps us to better serve an increasingly diverse
customer base. It will expand the pool of people interested in Coast Guard careers, thereby
improving our capability to attract and retain the very best workforce for the future.
Opportunities for Improvement. Our greatest HR challenges are to fill the workforce (active
duty and reserve military, civilian) and as we do so, recruit to Workforce 2015 goals. We will
constantly reevaluate our strategic approaches and provide sufficient resources for recruiting: to
build the best professional recruiting force (elevate the value of recruiters to the Service); to
provide recruiters both the tools and personal incentives to be successful; to improve recruiting
processes (including location of offices), resources and incentives; to include recruiting efforts at
all "outreach" opportunities; and to achieve greater involvement of all members of Team Coast
Guard, activities and facilities in recruiting . We will leverage our recruiting, retention and
mentoring efforts through organizations such as NNOA, NAFEO and ANSO.
Owner. Assistant Commandant (G-W)
Purpose. An effective Leadership Development Center (LDC) will integrate consistent leadership,
quality management and diversity management themes across all Team Coast Guard. This will
facilitate the retention and motivation of a capable workforce that we need now and in the future to
achieve our organizational goals.
Opportunities for Improvement. We will take service-wide advantage of this intellectual
lodestone, making necessary facility improvements to promote a first class learning environment.
We will develop performance measures for leadership competencies and craft comprehensive
leadership programs for all Team Coast Guard members (including civilian and Auxiliary
members) that integrate quality management and diversity management into leadership
development. We will achieve accreditation for our leadership programs.
Owner. Assistant Commandant (G-W)