Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 16004.2
This document provides the [Name of the State] Coastal Management Program with the Coast
Guard's Consistency Determination under CZMA Section 307(c)(1)[or (2)] and 15 CFR Part
930, subpart C for the [name the CG project/activity]. The information in this Consistency
Determination is provided pursuant to 15 CFR Part 930 Section 930.39. This project/activity
[Describe the Coast Guard project/activity or reference relevant pages of NEPA document. ]
The Coast Guard has determined that the [project/activity] affects the land or water uses or
natural resources of [Name of the State] in the following manner:
[Provide analysis of effects or reference relevant pages of NEPA document.]
The [Name of the State's] Coastal Management Program contains the following applicable
enforceable policies:
[List and/or briefly describe the State's applicable enforceable policies.]
Based upon the following information, data and analysis the Coast Guard finds that the
[project/activity] is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the enforceable policies of
the [Name of the State] Coastal Management Program. [Provide information, data and analysis
supporting the determination of consistency with the applicable enforceable policies.]
Pursuant to 15 CFR Section 930.41, the [Name of the State] Coastal Management Program has
60 days from the receipt of this letter in which to concur with or object to this Consistency
Determination, or to request an extension under 15 CFR Section 930.41(b). The State's
concurrence will be presumed if the State's response is not received by the Coast Guard on the
60th day from receipt of this Determination. The State's response should be sent to:
[Provide Coas t Guard contact information.]