Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 16000.27
c. Terrorism Incident Law Enforcement and Investigation Annex. This annex describes
interagency actions, responsibilities, and equities in focusing U.S. assets against a terrorist threat
under the purview of the FBI as the lead federal agency. It focuses on domestic land threats.
The Coast Guard continues to develop and expand its maritime threat and counterterrorism
component and capabilities beyond that included under ESF13.
a. Training. Training will continue to be conducted in accordance with existing program guidance,
except as noted below:
(1) ICS training will be in accordance with United States Coast Guard National Incident
Management System (NIMS) and National Response Plan (NRP) Implementation Plan, dated
29 December 2004.
(2) District and Area staff members identified for JFO staffing will require Area Command
JFO training (formerly known as RIC/NIC; currently being updated to reflect NRP/NIMS).
DHS- and FEMA-provided training for Area Command and JFO management is also
b. Exercises. Exercises will continue to be conducted in accordance with existing program
guidance, except as noted below:
(1) SONS-specific elements will be exercised as part of the SONS exercise program but may be
incorporated into certain TOPOFF exercises. SONS exercises can occur on a biannual or
triannual basis depending on their relationship to other national level exercises.
(2) National Maritime Security Plan (NMSP)-specific elements will be exercised as part of the
NMSP program (to be published).
a. Funding Mechanisms. The NRP does not create any new funding sources. It does identify
procedures for agency funding and reimbursement in the Financial Management Support Annex
of the NRP. The primary emergency response funding mechanisms under the Oil Spill Liability
Trust Fund (OSLTF), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
(CERCLA)/SUPERFUND, and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance
Act have not changed. Absent the use of these three funding mechanisms, agencies are expected
to support any NRP incident or operation from their own budgets.
b. Fund Management. Fund management for NRP incidents where the Coast Guard provides
personnel, equipment, or support shall follow existing policy as stated below. It is imperative
that Coast Guard operational commanders are familiar with the National Pollution Funds Center
(NPFC) User Reference Guide, Supplement to Coast Guard Marine Safety Manual Vol. 9,
COMDTINST 16000.14.
(1) Commandant (CG-83) manages funding received for: