Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 16000.27
c. Emergency Support Functions at the Regional Level.
(1) ESFs can be employed for any incident, regardless if a JFO or NIMS Area Command has
been established. In most cases, they are the result of a Stafford Act Declaration and are
activated by FEMA. ESF SOPs will be developed at the national level by the designated
primary and supporting agencies. Actual staffing of the ESFs is done by regional agency
representatives. Coast Guard Headquarters programs, as identified below, will coordinate
with the primary and support ESF agencies in the development of SOPs, and ensure
consistent ESF support throughout the Coast Guard.
(2) ESFs, and the support they provide, are described in reference (b). ESFs are typically
activated by the JFO or Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC), and once
established, provide their support to the incident. The Coast Guard has been identified as
having a primary or support role in the following ESFs (USCG program leads are shown in
(a) ESF 1 Transportation. (G-OPF)
(b) ESF 3 Public Works and Engineering. (G-OPN)
(c) ESF 4 - Firefighting. (G-MOR)
(d) ESF 8 Public Health and Medical Services (Note: Requirement is for transportation
support through ESF #1). (G-OPF)
(e) ESF 9 Urban Search and Rescue. (G-OPR)
(f) ESF 10 Oil and Hazardous Material Response. (G-MOR)
(g) ESF 13 Public Safety and Security. (G-MPP, G-OPC and G-OPL)
(h) ESF 15 External Affairs. (G-IPA) (Note: Although not specifically listed as having a
support role, the Coast Guard is listed as having a role for external affairs elsewhere in
the NRP and its Annexes.)
(3) Coast Guard Roles Relative to ESFs.
(a) ESF 1 Transportation.
1. The primary agency for ESF1 is the Department of Transportation. DHS is a
support agency. DHS identifies and arranges for the use of Coast Guard assets and
resources in support of the ESF1 mission. ESF-1 plays a significant role in the
repair and recovery of transportation systems.
2. If this ESF is activated, the cognizant Coast Guard District Commander will arrange
resource support as available. Staffing this ESF by District personnel will depend on