COMDTINST 16000.27
(2) Align training to support the implementation of the NIMS and NRP. Ensure that planned
exercises adequately test the NRP and its implementation.
e. Sector Commanders and Commanding Officers of Marine Safety Offices, Air Stations, and
(1) Working with other Federal, State, and local departments, agencies, tribes, the private sector,
and planning and response bodies at the local level, coordinate the following:
(a) Align applicable Area Contingency Plans, Area Maritime Security Plans, and other
applicable plans, manuals, and other documents with the NIMS and NRP. Complete and
insert a copy of Enclosure (1) and Attachment A to Enclosure (1) for locally-held plans.
(b) Plan and provide for field constructs, per Attachment A to Enclosure (1) and Enclosure
(2), as follows:
1. In coordination with district commanders, identify, plan for, and provide supporting
staff for the NIMS Incident Command Post (ICP). Sectors may play a significant role
in a JFO that is activated for an NSSE.
2. Identify, plan for, and provide liaisons to local emergency operations centers and
similar response organizations as appropriate.
(2) Align training to support the implementation of the NIMS and NRP. Ensure that planned
exercises adequately test the NRP and its implementation.
f. Coast Guard Officers Serving as Senior Federal Official (SFO).
(1) Serve as the Coast Guard Area or District Commander's designated representative to the
JFO, as appropriate. For a Spill of National Significance (SONS), the area or district
commander will serve as the Commandant's designated representative (see Enclosure (2)).
(2) Establish Coast Guard interface with Principal Federal Official (PFO) and JFO Coordination
(3) Provide reach back from the JFO to Coast Guard operational and support commanders at the
Coast Guard Area or District levels, as appropriate.
(4) Perform the duties prescribed for the SFO in reference (b) and the Interagency Integrated
Standard Operation Procedure, Joint Field Office (JFO) Activation and Operations once
published and in effect.
(5) For incidents involving oil and hazardous materials releases in the coastal zone, coordinate
activities directly between the On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) and the Regional Response
Teams (RRT) with the JFO per ESF-10 and the "Oil and Hazardous Materials Incident"
annexes of the NRP.