Overall Design
This section will help you decide where to place your title,
text, graphics, navigation icons, and any other lesson
information. The educational message should be relayed at
the first glance of the student on every screen. The lesson
layout should be kept simple for maximum impact. When
practical, these layouts should remain consistent throughout
your lesson. The following concepts may help you in basic
layout design.
Consistency is a key goal for the ICW designer and developer.
Strive for consistent architecture, video and graphics screen
composition, student interaction with the courseware, screen
color schemes, testing strategies, and other courseware design
conventions. While it is most important to maintain
consistency within a given course of instruction, consistency
between courses presented on the same device is also
important. Following the principals in this style guide should
help you create products that meet these criteria.
Design elements are object size, color, and text styles. Ensure
Design Elements
each element has been given careful thought for message
transmission and aesthetics. Remember to treat text as a visual