Practice (Continued)
An action prompt is a statement or phrase that lets the student
Action Prompt
know that an action is expected. Without this kind of information,
the student may think the machine has locked up. It is a common
occurrence to find courseware frames that expect an action from a
student but do not have a clear direction for the student to perform.
When having the student answer a multiple choice question,
provide a statement as to how the input is to be made.
An example for procedures would be to provide a message in all
caps in the lower right hand corner of screen to perform action,
(i.e., "TYPE RESPONSE NOW.") Placing this cue where the next
icon or arrow would be located further serves to reinforce the
action prompt.
Selection of actual examples and values that a student is likely to
Realistic Examples and
encounter helps to provide a general understanding and positive
transfer of training. For example, the use of latitude and longitude
for nautical navigation should start with coordinates that the
student will be using immediately.
Allow for a steady progression of increasing complexity or
Simple to Complex
difficulty in a task. If a change in difficulty is too great, the student
should have the opportunity to return to an easier task or receive
additional prompting.