Encl: (1) to COMDINST 1520.1
comparative study of the evolving spectrum of ideas on the role of information in warfare. It
includes the consideration of current initiatives to implement these concepts at various levels
of warfare and analyzes ways these initiatives enhance capabilities to support Joint Task
Forces and other National and International Security Organizations. Topics include
characteristics of IBW, C2W, C4I for the Warrior, and C2 Operational developments at
joint/combined commands. Candidates must hold a Secret Level Clearance and should be in
the paygrade of GS 12-15 or 0-4 to 0-6. Course offerings are as follows:
IBW 9603 17 - 21 Jun 96
IBW 9604 22 - 26 Jul 96
12. Leveraging Technology For Organizational Change. This course is a 5 day program that
examines strategies, processes, and resources for significantly improving organizational
performance through the application of new and emerging technologies. The course
distinguishes between the need for incremental performance improvement versus fundamental
discontinuous organizational change. It introduces the functional capabilities of technologies
that are expected in the next few years to change the way federal agencies achieve their
missions. The course focuses on techniques and available resources for redesigning work
processes to take full advantage of these new technologies and for gaining commitment from
both sponsors and users to make the change work. The course is supported by guest speakers
and case studies drawn form Federal Government and industry, and provides examples of
successes and failures in technology enabled organizational change initiatives. Candidates
should be in the paygrade of GS 13-15 or 0-5 to 0-6. Personnel at the GS 12 and 0-4 level
who have significant responsibilities for major organizational change efforts will also benefit.
Course offerings are as follows:
LTO 9603 24 - 28 Jun 96
LTO 9604 12 - 16 Aug 96
13. Public Policy For The Information Age. This course is a 3 day program that focuses on
information-related public policy issues, analytic approaches, and policy structures of special
relevance to military officers and senior government officials. Issues are examined in the
context of organizations and individuals dealing with information as well as information
technology related issues. The course is grounded in federal information resources and
technology policy, contemporary issues and events, and the policy sciences. Methods and
tools of policy formulation, analysis, and evaluation are applied to substantive information,
information management, and information technology policy