Encl: (1) to COMDINST 1520.1
1. Advanced Information Systems Acquisition. This course is a four week program
intended for members of the Acquisition Workforce. Students in this course develop high
level skills in Information Technology (IT) and acquisition management through an integrated
program of readings, seminars, case studies, and a simulated IT acquisition that includes
extensive hands-on use of current project management tools. Areas of study include analysis
and planning, the IT procurement process, oversight, and the unique characteristics of
information technology. During a one day field study, students assess the process and impact
of DoD information technology acquisition activities at a selected organization. In addition to
mastering the competencies of this career field, graduates of this course develop the teamwork
and critical thinking skills needed in today's acquisition workforce. Candidates should be in
the paygrade of GS 13-15 or 0-4 to 0-6. Course offerings are as follows:
IRM 303-005
3 - 28 Jun 96
IRM 303-006
08 Jul - 02 Aug 96
IRM 303-702
08 Jul - 02 Aug 96
IRM 303-007
5 - 30 Aug 96
IRM 303-001
2 - 27 Sep 96
Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition. This course is a 14 day program intended
for intermediate-level acquisition professionals. This course provides a comprehensive
overview of the systems acquisition, technical and business processes related to information