officers must submit a written request to Commander, Coast Guard Personnel Command (opm-
1) to terminate the EAD agreement. Officers eligible for this option are notified of this
requirement, including the time frame required for submittal of a request, at the time of their
orders to active duty. After both boards adjourn, a new EAD agreement may be executed and
the officer returned to the ADPL.
d. All Reserve officer promotion board information is published in ALCGPERSCOM messages
which are available through CG Central located at My Workspace> Career Management>
Reservist > Promotion. Any reserve officer can look up their own OER history through Direct
Access located at: Home > Self Service > Employee > View > Employee Review Summary.
Additionally, any Reserve officer can request an OER Summary Report by sending an email to
e. If below-zone selection authority is provided by the Commandant, the below-zone size will be
disseminated with the promotion board candidate message via ALCGPERSCOM outlined in
submit an odd-year Special OER for promotion consideration. (See Chapter 10.A.3.c of
reference (a)).
f. All commands with promotion eligible members shall submit an OER to be validated by CGPC-
rpm prior to the convening of the board in accordance with Chapter 10 of reference (a).
13. MOBILIZATION AND DISPOSITION (MOB) BOARD. This Board shall convene as needed to
consider the disposition of Coast Guard Reserve officers who are on the Inactive Duty Promotion
List (IDPL) and whose participation has been unsatisfactory for at least one annual cycle. In
addition, the MOB Board will consider officers with over three years in the Standby Reserve,
Inactive Status List (ISL) by the convening date of the Board.
a. Any Reserve officer in an active status whose participation has been unsatisfactory shall be
considered by this board for not accruing a minimum of 50 retirement points in the current
anniversary year, failing to meet the minimum training requirements for their TRAPAY CAT, or
failing to comply with any program requirements or performance standards during any type of
duty. Unless a participation waiver has been granted by CGPC-rpm, these personnel will be
transferred to the ISL. Officers who qualify for retirement without entitlement to pay until they
reach age 60 (RET-2) shall be offered the opportunity to transfer to the Retired Reserve.
b. Members who have been on the ISL for three years at the convening of the board shall be
screened for discharge or if eligible, retirement.
c. Officers shall not be recommended for retention in the ISL solely to allow them to reach the age
necessary to qualify for transfer to the Retired Reserve.
14. REGULAR TO RESERVE PANEL. The Panel shall convene as needed to consider members of the
ADPL who are released from active duty, or are within one year of discharge for a Reserve
commission in accordance with Chapter 1.H of reference (a). To be eligible for a commission in the
Coast Guard Reserve, applicants may be: