letter (in standard memo format) must arrive at CGPC-opm-1/CGPC-rpm-1 before the board
be sent through the officer's chain of command receiving at least a signature line endorsement.
Letters may invite attention to any matter in the member's Coast Guard record that will be before
the selection board. A communication to a board may not criticize any officer or civilian
government employee or reflect on their character, conduct, or motive. Endorsements,
enclosures or attachments to letters submitted to selection boards shall not include opinions
whether a board should select an officer for promotion. See Chapter 5.A.4.e. of reference (a) for
additional guidance. NOTE: Reserve officers competing for promotion on the Inactive Duty
Promotion List (IDPL) are strongly encouraged to submit a communication to the board.
e. Communications to Assignment and Screening Panels. An officer under consideration by an
assignment or screening panel may write to the panel President, in care of the Coast Guard
Personnel Command (CGPC-opm-2 for ADPL officers; CGPC-rpm-1 for IDPL officers.). The
letter must arrive at CGPC-opm-2/CGPC-rpm-1 before the panel convenes. Letters may invite
attention to any matter in the member's Coast Guard record that will be before the
screening/assignment panel. A communication to a panel may not criticize any officer or
civilian government employee or reflect on their character, conduct, or motive. Endorsements
from the chain of command shall not be included unless specifically indicated in the solicitation
message. The electronic resume (e-resume) is not appropriate correspondence to a
screening/assignment panel unless specifically indicated in the solicitation message.
enclosures (1) and (2), amplified by appropriate message traffic, serve as the official notification
required by Section 253 of reference (d). Future messages will announce changes to enclosures (1)
and (2).
for Senior Service Schools is automatic based on year group and rotation date, officers interested in
those programs are encouraged to submit an e-resume expressing that interest and, if desired,
indicating preference among schools. Senior Service School (SSS) graduates are automatically
considered for selection to the CNO Strategic Studies Group (SSG) each year, but other officers are
considered only on request. An ALCOAST is released by Commandant (G-CCX) each spring
outlining the specific criteria by which officers will be considered for SSS/SSG. E-resumes are
provided to the SSS/SSG Selection Panel. All IDPL Captains are encouraged to apply for the Senior
Reserve Component Officer Course convened annually.
8. ADPL COMMAND SCREENING PANEL INFORMATION. Captains and captains select who
meet the criteria for the Consolidated Major Command Cadre Screening Panel below will
automatically be screened for command afloat and aviation command, but must specifically request
to be screened for sector command. Commanders and commanders select who meet the criteria for
the Consolidated Major Command Cadre Screening Panel below will automatically be screened for
command afloat, but must specifically request to be screened for all other screened positions. Direct
Access shall be used to request screening and requests must be submitted at least 60 days before the
screening panel to ensure inclusion in the candidate pool. Direct Access instructions will be
provided separately. Thirty days prior to the panel, an ALCGOFF message will notify the field of