b. Chapter 7.A of reference (b) contains regulations specific to Reserve Officer personnel boards.
a. Submitting Performance Evaluations. Submit Officer Evaluation Reports (OERs) in accordance
with Chapter 10 of reference (a), to ensure selection boards and panels have complete, up-to-date
information. Under no circumstances shall those officers above the zone, or who are projected to
be in the zone for promotion, delay their regular annual or semiannual OER past the scheduled
due date. For this purpose, estimated zones were announced in ALCGPERSCOM 025/06
entitled 2006 OER Submissions and PY07 Officer Promotion Boards/Panels. The schedule of
boards and panels was developed to correspond as closely as possible with the OER submission
schedule. Area and district commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistics commands,
commanding officers of headquarters units, assistant commandants for directorates, the Judge
Advocate General, and special staff offices at Headquarters shall emphasize to supervisors,
reporting officers, reviewers, and OER administrators alike, the importance of submitting proper
evaluation reports promptly. Enclosures (1) and (2) provide information to aid rating chain
officials in submitting reports on those officers being considered by selection boards and
assignment panels.
b. Commanding Officer/CGPC Responsibilities for Reserve Officers. Commanding officers of