Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 12720.4B 21 NOV 1989
Administrative occupations are those that, while they do not require specialized
educational majors, do involve the type of skills (analytical, research, writing,
judgment) typically gained through a college level general education, or through
progressively responsible experience. Usually these jobs follow a two-grade interval
pattern. Examples include personnel management and budget administration.
Technical occupations are those that involve work typically associated with, and
supportive of, a professional or administrative field. They require less than full
competence in the related field, but involve nevertheless extensive practical knowledge,
gained through on-the-job experience and/or specific training less than that represented
by college graduation. Typically these jobs follow a one-grade interval pattern.
Examples include communications specialist and engineering technician.
Clerical occupations are those that involve structured work in support of office,
business, or fiscal operations, and include voucher examining and secretarial work.
Other occupations are those that cannot be related to the above professional,
administrative, technical or clerical groups, and include cooperative education student
and fire protection and prevention.
A condition in which the percentage of a covered employee group employed within a
given occupational category by a Federal agency constitutes a lower percentage than the
percentage of that particular group in the appropriate CLF. For example, if 10 per cent
of Coast Guard's civilian work force (either nationally or locally) is represented by a
given covered employee group, but representation of that group within the
corresponding (i.e., national or local) CLF is 15 per cent, that group is underrepresented
in Coast Guard's work force.
When preparing FEORP plans, underrepresentation is indicated by an
underrepresentation index (UI). While a comprehensive explanation of the UI is
available from Attachment 1 to FPM Letter 720-2, it is sufficient for present purposes to
note that the UI represents the ratio of two percentages, that of the representation of the
covered group in the agency's (i.e., Coast Guard's) work force, compared to the
percentage of that same group in the CLF. The resultant percentage is then multiplied
by 100. Underrepresentation is determined to exist whenever the UI is a score less than
100. In the example in paragraph 7 .a. above, the UI may be computed:
UI = .10/.15 = .67 X 100 = 67.
Since this score is less than 100, the covered group is found to be underrepresented.