Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 12570.5
I, ________________________, in consideration of payment of my travel, the expense of
shipment of my household goods and personal effects, and the transportation of my immediate
family (when applicable) from _________________ to ___________________, do hereby agree
to remain in the Federal Government service for a period of at least 1 year from the effective date
of my entry on duty on _____________, unless separated for reasons beyond my control that are
acceptable to the U. S. Coast Guard.
For Alaska and Hawaii PCS's ONLY:
You will be assigned to _______________, Alaska, OR to ________________, Hawaii for a
period of 2 years from the effective date of your entry on duty. You may be reassigned to other
overseas posts during the 2 year period if such transfers are deemed to be in the interest of the
Government. Return transportation expenses will be paid by the U. S. Coast Guard, provided
you complete the 2 year tour of duty.
Further, I, the undersigned, do hereby agree that if I fail to fulfill the terms of this employment
agreement by resigning, vacating the position without authorization, or if I am removed for cause
before the expiration of the period of the agreement, I will, upon demand, repay the U. S. Coast
Guard for my transportation and per diem allowance and transportation of dependents and cost of
shipment of household good and effects from __________________to ____________________,
and I authorize the U. S. Coast Guard to withhold any final payment due me to apply against or