3 NOV 1986
When an employee serving probation under this Instruction is temporarily placed
in another supervisory or managerial position (under detail, temporary
promotion, or reassignment), the temporary service is creditable toward
completion of the probationary period.
Temporary Movement to Nonsupervisory Position During Probation. Time spent
during temporary placement (detail, temporary promotion, or reassignment) in a
nonsupervisory position is not creditable toward completion of probation.
Credit Toward Subsequent Probationary Period.
When an employee serving probation under this Instruction is permanently
placed in a nonsupervisory or nonmanagerial position, the probationary service
does not count toward completion of a probationary period required under a
subsequent appointment.
Absence in a nonpay status while on the rolls (other than absence because of
compensable injury or military duty) is creditable up to a total of 22 workdays.
Any nonpay time in excess of the total of 22 workdays extends the probationary
period by an equal amount of time in a pay status. Absence (whether on or off
the rolls) due to compensable injury or military duty is creditable in full upon