9 JUN 1988
(2) Navy Exchange Officers. Coast Guard unit commanding officers shall prepare fitness
reports on the Navy exchange officers when and as requested by the Navy officer's
administrative command using form NAVPERS 1611/1. The completion of the entire
fitness report is important; however, the reporting officer must keep one item in mind.
The Coast Guard and Navy use different standards in preparing fitness reports. Due to
this fact, it is of the utmost importance to the Navy exchange officer's career that item
18 (comparison) of NAVPERS 1611/1 be completed. They must be rated in
comparison with their Coast Guard contemporaries. This is the only way that Navy
Personnel Boards can convert the fitness report to Navy standards.
Casualty Reports.
(1) Navy Exchange Officers. Reports of casualty, disabling injury or illness as prescribed
in Article 11-A of reference (a), shall be made simultaneously to Commandant (G-PO)
and the administrative command.
(2) Coast Guard Exchange Officers. Reports of casualty, disabling injury, or illness shall
be made in accordance with Navy instructions.
Service and Health Records. The exchange officer's service and health records shall be
maintained by the receiving unit.
d Security Jacket.
(1) Coast Guard Exchange Officers. The Coast Guard exchange officer's security jacket
shall be held by the administrative command.
(2) Navy Exchange Officers. The Navy exchange officer's security jacket shall be handled
in accordance with Navy instructions.
Leave Accounts.
(1) Coast Guard Exchange Officers. A Coast Guard officer's leave account shall be
maintained through the administrative command.
(2) Navy Exchange Officers. Navy officer's leave account shall be maintained as
determined by the administrative command.
Pay Accounts. Military pay and allowances of exchange officers will continue to be paid by
the parent Service.
(1) Navy Exchange Officers. With the implementation of JUMPS, Navy officers' pay
accounts are now being maintained by the parent Service.