Preparation of Tags and Logs. DANGER and CAUTION tags and associated tag-out
request shall be prepared as follows:
Each tag-out action is assigned a serial number in sequence on the
DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Index and Record of Audits Sheet. The serial
number assigned shall identify the system or component affected by the tag-out
action. To differentiate between the Operations or Engineering Department tag-out
logs, a letter prefix of "O" or "E" shall be used with the serial numbers, (i.e. E-001,
E-002, or O-001, O-002 etc.). When a tag-out action requires more than one tag,
the same base number shall be used with a sequence number to identify the
additional tags, (i.e., E-001-1, E-002-1 etc.).
The person requesting the tag-out shall prepare the DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out
Index and Record of Audits Sheet, DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Record Sheet,
Tags and sign the tags. Ensure either DANGER or CAUTION, whichever applies,
is circled and the other lined out.
DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Record Sheet entries shall provide sufficient
information to give anyone reviewing the log a clear understanding of the purpose
and necessity for each tag-out action.
Enough tags shall be used to completely isolate the system, piping, or circuit being
worked on, and to prevent operation from all stations that could exercise control.
System diagrams, circuit schematics, and tag guide list should be used to determine
the adequacy of all tag-out actions.
The Authorizing Officer shall review the Tags, DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out
Record Sheet, and DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Index and Record of Audits