Format of the Tag-Out Log. The Tag-Out Log is a record of authorization of each
effective tag-out action. It shall be maintained in the following format.
A copy of this instruction and any amplifying directives for administering the
system shall be inserted in the front of the log. A copy of the AUTHORIZED
OFFICERS letter(s) shall be included.
DANGER/CAUTION TAG-OUT Index and Record of Audit Sheet. A sequential
list of all tag-outs issued shall be maintained to provide a ready reference of
existing tag-outs, ensure that serial numbers are sequentially issued, and assist in
conducting audits of the log. Figure 6, shows an example.
ACTIVE Log. The Active section of the log shall include all Tag-Out Record
Sheets for systems that are tagged out at the present time.
INACTIVE Log. The Inactive section of the log shall contain all the Tag-Out
Record Sheets from Tag-Outs that have been cleared.
INSTRUMENT Log. Labels associated with OUT-OF-COMMISSION and OUT-