(1) to COMDTINST 7220.39
Change in status from crew member to noncrew
member and vice versa. When a member issued
crew member flight orders is required to participate in
frequent and regular aerial flight as a noncrew member,
the member's crew member flight orders shall be terminated
and new noncrew member flight orders shall be issued.
Termination of continuous crew member flight orders
in this situation is subject to the advance notification
requirements of paragraph 5.b.(2)(a) below. When a member
issued noncrew member flight orders is required to
participate in frequent and regular aerial flight as a
crew member, the member's noncrew member flight orders
shall be terminated and new crew member flight orders
shall be issued. These members shall be given as much
advance warning of this change as is practicable.
Effective date of termination of flight orders.
Advance notice of termination of flight orders shall be
issued in writing by the flight order issuing activity,
unless specifically not required below. Advance notice may
be provided verbally if a suitable memorandum for the record
is made and is later followed by written notification. See
enclosure (2) for examples of advance notification and flight
order termination letters.
For an enlisted member issued continuous crew member
flight orders, the termination date of the flight orders
shall be at least 120 days after the member is first
notified by the order issuing activity of the pending
termination of flight orders, except as noted in paragraphs
5.b.(2)(b) and 5.b.(2)(c) below.
For any member who fails to meet the requirements of
paragraphs 5.b.(1)(b)1 and 5.b.(1)(b)3 above, the
termination date of the member's continuous or monthly
flight orders shall be the end of the month in which the
flight order issuing activity determines these requirements
have not been met. These members shall be given notice of
the shift from continuous to monthly flight orders or the
termination of monthly flight orders as far in advance as
is practicable.
The termination date of the flight orders shall be the
date the member is no longer required or able to fly when
the flight orders are terminated for one or more of the
following reasons (no advance notice required):
1. Separation from the Coast Guard.