Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 7044.1A
RDT&E funds may be used for the following specifically-defined purposes:
RDT&E TECHNOLOGY BASE BUILDING involves technology scans, forecasts or
assessments to produce a base of agency knowledge to support applied R&D efforts 5-15 years
hence. This category facilitates the R&D Program's obligation to systematically develop and
maintain knowledge that can bring the latest technological advances to the attention of
sponsors. All such efforts must align with the Coast Guard's R&D Strategy and goals.
RDT&E RESEARCH is systematic study and experimentation directed toward scientific or
engineering phenomena/principles as they relate to addressing Coast Guard needs. It provides
fundamental knowledge for the solution of identified Coast Guard problems. It also augments
the knowledge base for subsequent exploratory and advanced development of Coast Guard-
related technologies, and of new and improved functional capabilities for performing Coast
Guard missions. EXAMPLE: Determining the physiological effects leading to small boat crew
RDT&E EXPLORATORY DEVELOPMENT is the systematic use of the knowledge of
scientific or engineering phenomena/principles in the initial stages of producing or adapting
technology new to an intended Coast Guard application; it is performed to establish some
confidence that the proposed technology can
address the pertinent mission requirement. Its
distinguishing characteristic is the goal of evaluating and demonstrating the feasibility and
practicality of the technology in meeting the mission requirement. Specific activities include
analytical modeling, simulation, or the minor-scale production of methods, procedures or
systems. The effort produces relatively low cost, rudimentary or "proof of concept" systems,
methods, or procedures to support decisions as to whether the technology shows sufficient
promise to warrant the additional cost of further, advanced development.
EXAMPLE: Exploring a new lamp technology for short-range aids that would produce the
same amount of light at lower power requirements.
RDT&E ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT begins once the proposed technology's feasibility
and practicality have been sufficiently established to warrant further development for
experimental use within an actual or simulated operational environment. Specific activities
include extensions or upgrades of the analytical modeling or simulation or the fuller production
of methods, procedures or system hardware/software. The distinguishing characteristic of this
category is the goal of further evaluating and demonstrating technology for test or
experimentation, rather than producing technology designed and engineered for eventual
service use (OE/AC&I). RDT&E advanced development is a follow-on activity to exploratory
development. In advanced development, the level of effort is established so that at completion
of this effort, uncertainty regarding the functional capability of the new technology has been
eliminated. EXAMPLE: Adaptation of solar power technology to the rigors of the marine
environment typical to lighted aids to navigation, especially buoys.