04 DEC 1998
another unit will be made by the cognizant medical authority responsible for that
unit, only after prior consultation with MLC(k).
All regular and reserve food service specialists (FSs) and food handlers whose
current duties include food preparation will be vaccinated with Hepatitis A
vaccine. Additionally, Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended and should be offered
to Coast Guard civilian food service employees. The command shall ensure full
and current immunizations of contracted food service in accordance with their
statement of work prior to employment.
Hepatitis A vaccination has replaced IG therapy as the standard of care in preventing
Hepatitis A infection.
All other use of Hepatitis A vaccine will be in accordance with current Immunization
Practices Advisory Council (ACIP) recommendations, as published by the Centers of
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Adult immunizations with Hepatitis A vaccine shall consist of both an initial dose and a
booster, given 6 to 12 months after the initial dose. These immunizations will be
administered as specified by the manufacturer's instructions. (See the package insert.)
For the purposes of pre-travel prophylaxis, individuals must receive the first dose at
least four weeks before the start of travel or likely exposure. Otherwise, IG (0.02 ml/kg
and for most adults routine doses are 2.0 ml, IM) should be given simultaneously with
the first vaccination, but at a different injection site.
Serologic Screening. Serologic screening is cost-prohibitive and should not be
performed prior to vaccination unless there is a previous history of HAV infection and
serologic confirmation has not been obtained.
Availability. Hepatitis A vaccine is currently available through pharmaceutical Prime
Vendor contracts. Coast Guard units should contact their assigned collateral Pharmacy
Officer to arrange procurement.
Any administration of Hepatitis A vaccine or IG shall be recorded in the individual's
health record. In the case of active duty and reserve members, an entry shall be made
on both the Record of Immunization (SF-601) and the International Certificate of
Vaccination (PHS-731) form. In addition, this information will be recorded in the
Defense Eligibility and Enrollment System database when means exist (i.e., Composite