Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 6220.9A
3. Decontamination Point. Consistent and conscientious use of personal hygiene is essential for the
prevention and control of many communicable diseases. This is particularly important for
personnel of vessel boarding teams or those who have physical contact with alien migrants or
their belongings. A decontamination point provides a clearly identifiable and centralized station
that highlights attention and focuses efforts for personal hygiene. COs / OICs must consider
establishing a decontamination point when the following conditions exist:
a) Operational circumstances involving contact with a vessel suspected of carrying alien
b) Coast Guard personnel will physically board the suspect vessel, or, alien migrants will be
staged on board the Coast Guard vessel; and
c) For situations where migrants are staged on board Coast Guard vessels; the number of
migrants, duration of migrant presence, or other operational circumstances raise the
likelihood that decontamination of personnel will not be consistently met without a
decontamination point.
4. Elements of a Decontamination Point. The fundamental purpose of a decontamination point is
the control of communicable disease transmission through the effective and consistent use of
personal hygiene. Elements of a decontamination point include:
a) Hand washing station. Hand washing stations include wash basins with warm soapy water, a
sanitizing rinse, and disposable towels. Alcohol-based hand cleansers are effective and shall
be provided if hand washing facilities are not available. Alcohol pads are not to be used as a
substitute for hand washing;
b) Foot-wear cleaning station. A foot-wear cleaning station shall include scrub brushes, warm
soapy water, a mild bleach solution (one capful of bleach per gallon of water) and rinse
water. Ensure foot-wear are unlaced and that they are fully immersed in the bleach solution
for at least one minute before rinsing;
c) Shower facility. Showers will require plastic bags for clothing, soap, shampoo, towels, and
d) Clothing exchange point. Ensure all contaminated clothing is bagged, sealed and laundered
daily. If clothing is grossly contaminated with blood, body fluids or human waste, treat as
infectious waste and delivered to unit Health Services Technician for proper disposal; and
e) Other equipment. Periodically scrub (with mild detergent), rinse and air dry web gear,
jackets, and other articles which are exposed but not launderable. This shall be done
monthly; however, if articles are known to be contaminated, the cleaning shall be performed