Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 6220.9A
A. Background. Personnel engaged in boardings, inspections and AMIO can be exposed to persons
afflicted with various communicable diseases including tuberculosis (TB), bloodborne pathogens, water
and foodborne illnesses, zoonotic and insect and arthropod-related diseases and emerging pathogens.
The risk posed by these diseases can be eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels through a
PPE. Disease prevention measures include:
1. Awareness of and adherence to Commandant Instructions and other guidance pertinent to public
health and communicable disease;
2. Knowledge and use of Coast Guard health and safety systems and external public health agencies;
3. Maintenance of secure food, water, and sanitation systems on board Coast Guard vessels or units;
4. Limited contact with alien migrants and their possessions.
B. Immunizations.
1. Overview. Immunizations are among the most efficient and cost-effective ways to control the
transmission of communicable diseases. The risk of transmission of a highly communicable illness
can be virtually eliminated with proper immunizations. Safe and effective vaccines are available for
many communicable diseases. However, universal vaccination (e.g., all members are vaccinated
with all available vaccines) is not required since targeted vaccination can be restricted to those
persons at highest risk for disease. The circumstances specific to boardings, inspections and AMIO
do not present increased risks that warrant immunization of Coast Guard personnel beyond those
recommended or required for all Coast Guard personnel. References (a), (h) and (i) provide medical
guidance pertaining to Coast Guard personnel making port calls or traveling to areas where
communicable diseases are either endemic or the cause of a recent outbreak.
2. Basic Immunizations. Reference (a) provides a broad overview of Coast Guard immunization
requirements and procedures. All active duty Coast Guard personnel, including those engaged in
boardings, inspections and AMIO, are required to have received the following vaccinations:
Hepatitis A and B, Diphtheria, tetanus, polio, and influenza. They should also have documented
protection against measles, mumps, rubella or any other immunization as directed by CG-1121.
3. Influenza. Influenza is spread in respiratory droplets caused by coughing or sneezing. It usually is
spread from person-to-person, though sometimes people become infected by touching something
with the influenza virus on it and then touching their mouth, eyes or nose. All Coast Guard active
duty and selected reserve personnel are required to be immunized against influenza each year.
4. Hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is spread from person-to-person by putting something in the mouth that has
been contaminated with the stool of a person who is infected with Hepatitis A. Bringing individuals
infected with Hepatitis A on board vessels should not have an adverse affect on shipboard food and
water. Maintenance of uncontaminated food and water sources and good personal hygiene will