14 AUG 1991
Status-Profile and Visit Profile forms are temporary records, and can be destroyed one
month after the Headquarters and MLC reports which reflect their data have been
completed (clinics report monthly and sickbays report every six months). This is sufficient
time to ensure that viable, usable data has been received and processed. To accommodate
possible difficulties during the CLAMS phase-in period, do not destroy any profile sheets
before 1 October 1991.
The CLAMS reporting system replaces several forms and generates required reports. Units
may discontinue the use of replaced forms after their CLAMS program is installed and has
successfully generated all required forms and reports. Replaced forms are:
(1) Medical Report of Duty Status (HSA-131)
(2) Aeromedical Grounding and Clearance Notices (NAVMED 6410.1 and 6410.2)
(3) Clinic Data Collection Form (CG-5460)
(4) Dental Daily Workload Report (CG-4630A)
(5) Dental Workload Report (CG-4630)
(6) Report of Non-USCG Outpatient Health Care (CG-5403) (RCN-6000-3 applies)
(7) Health Services Statistical Report (CG-4142) (RCN 6000-1 applies)
(8) Request for Medical/Dental Records (DD-877)
Outpatient Medication Profile (CG-4921) use is optional at facilities using CLAMS
pharmacy module or the Tri-Service Micro Pharmacy System.
ACTION. Area and district commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistics commands,
unit commanding officers, and Commander, CG Activities Europe shall ensure compliance with
the provisions of this Instruction.
FORMS AVAILABILITY. An initial stocking of Status-Profile and Visit Profile forms were
supplied to health care facilities. Status-Profile, CG-5460A, is available from Coast Guard Supply
Center using SN 7530-01-GF3-2520, U/I (PG) (100 sets). Visit Profile, CG-5460B, is available
from Coast Guard Supply Center using SN 7530-01-GF3-2530, U/I (PD) (100 sheets).
Acting Chief, Office of Health and
Encl: (1) Clinic Automated Management System (CLAMS), Use of the Status-Profile (CG-
5460A) and Visit Profile (CG-5460B)
(2) Status-Profile sample form
(3) Visit Profile sample form