Encl. (2) to COMDTINST 5860.2A
equipment) that would be needed if the proposal were enacted, and indicate whether
those resource requirements are included in the program's budget request for the year in
which enactment is desired. Additionally, proposed legislation which would result in
annual federal costs of over
million must include an estimate of costs for the initial
five years following enactment (see 5 USC 2953);
b) Statement of No Cost. State that no additional federal resources would be needed if the
proposal were enacted; or
c) Estimate of Cost Savings. Estimate any federal cost savings that would result from
enactment of the proposal.
Each LCP must address each of the following:
a) Civil Rights Describe the proposal's impact on federal civil rights, including any direct
or indirect impacts on any specific class of people. If none, state, "There is no
substantial likelihood that this proposal would have a disparate impact on a class of
persons distinguished by race, color, national (ethnic) origin, religion, gender, age, or
physical or mental handicaps."
b) Environmental Impact Describe the proposal's impact on the environment, whether
positive or negative. If none, state, "There is no likelihood that this proposal would have
a significant effect on the quality of the human environment." (See the National
Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4332; and COMDTINST M16475.5 (series)).
c) Economic Impact Describe the proposal's economic impact on industry, the general
public, and state, local, or tribal governments, and include an estimate of potential costs
or cost savings. If the proposal has no economic impact, state, "There is no likelihood
that this proposal would have a significant economic impact." Potential economic
impacts on "small entities," including small businesses, organizations, and small
governmental jurisdictions, must be specifically addressed. If no economic impact is
expected on small entities, state, "There is no likelihood that this proposal would have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities."
d) Federalism Describe any impact the proposed change may have on the traditional
authority of state, local, or tribal governments or conflict with existing state law. If none
state, "There is no likelihood that this proposal would have a substantial effect on the
traditional authority or jurisdiction of state, local, or tribal governments." (See E.O.
13132, "Federalism", dated August 4, 1999, 64 FR 43255.)
e) Federal and non-Federal Paperwork Requirements Describe any new reporting or
record-keeping requirements that would result from the proposal. If none, state "There
is no likelihood that this proposal would impose any new reporting or record-keeping
requirements." (See OMB's regulation entitled, "Controlling Paperwork Burdens on the
Public", revised May 10, 1988, the Paperwork Reduction Reauthorization Act of 1986,
44 U.S.C. 3501-3520, 5 C.F.R. 1320.10, and OMB annual bulletins concerning
Information Collection Budgets.)