9. COMMUNICATIONS WITH CONGRESS. Coast Guard communications with Congress must be
clear and consistent, and Coast Guard policies and resource commitments must be made only by
those authorized to make such statements. No Coast Guard member or employee may disclose or
discuss a Coast Guard-sponsored legislative proposal with any member of Congress or
Congressional staff until it has been approved by OMB and transmitted to the House and Senate by
DHS. Any official expression of support for or opposition to any pending legislation must be
cleared through DHS and OMB. See references (a) through (d) for additional guidance.
Additionally, reference (e), 18 U.S.C. 1913, imposes criminal penalties on government officers or
employees who directly or indirectly use appropriated funds in an effort to influence any member of
Congress. This includes use of any government correspondence, telephone, or other
communications media in an effort to encourage private interests to contact Congress to express
support for or opposition to any legislative action.
10. LEGISLATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. Enclosure (1) provides an overview of the
legislative process and legislative terms. Enclosure (2) provides the format for an LCP. Enclosure
(3) provides a notional timeline for legislative development.
a. LCP submission and approval.
(1) Submission. Each year, not later than 1 December, G-L will ask the program directors to
submit new LCPs for possible inclusion in the proposed CY+2 Coast Guard Authorization
Act. Program directors shall personally approve and submit any desired LCPs to G-L not
later than 15 February. Program directors should seek assistance from G-LLX in developing
any LCP.
(2) LCP content and format. Each proposed legislative change must satisfy requirements
established by a number of statutes and Executive Orders. These requirements are identified
in enclosure (2). Each LCP shall be submitted in the format provided and include the
information specified in enclosure (2). Program directors shall submit any necessary
additional supporting materials with each LCP.
(3) G-L review and recommendations. G-L will collect LCPs from the program directors, and,
following receipt, provide a copy of each LCP to G-I for review and comment. G-L will
review each LCP to ensure that it contains all required information and to determine if a
change in legislation is needed to accomplish the program director's desired objective. G-L
will forward all LCPs to G-CCS via CG-8 not later than 1 April, and recommend whether or
not to approve each LCP for further development. Following G-CCS approval, G-LLX, in
consultation with the sponsoring program director, shall draft proposed legislation to
implement each approved proposal.
(4) G-I review and recommendations. G-I will review each LCP to determine if it is consistent
with the Coast Guard's overall legislative strategy and identify any potential political
concerns raised by the LCP. G-I will provide any input to G-L not later than 15 March.
(5) CG-8. CG-8, working in concert with G-X, will review each LCP to ensure that program
legislative initiatives are consistent with Coast Guard strategic and performance goals and