other member of the board. Individual members of the Coast Guard may also submit matters for
consideration by the RPB.
c. Convening and proceedings.
(1) The RPB shall convene and conduct its proceedings during each fiscal year as follows:
(a) On or about 1 October:
1. Commandant (G-WT) shall determine whether the Secretary and other departmental
officials have Reserve policy matters they may wish to submit to the RPB for
consideration, and if so, refer them to the board as provided in this Instruction.
2. Commandant (G-WT) shall promulgate annually an ALCOAST message announcing
that fiscal year's board by:
a. Soliciting input on policy matters for RPB consideration from the Commandant,
Vice Commandant, Chief of Staff, any Assistant Commandant, the Director of
Reserve and Training, the Area Commanders, Maintenance and Logistics
Commanders, District Commanders, the Senior of the two Reserve Flag Officers,
the President of the board, or any other member of the board.
b. Inviting individual members of the Coast Guard to submit Reserve policy matters
for consideration by the RPB. Such referrals shall be sent to the President of the
RPB via the member's chain of command and Commandant (G-WTR) and shall
include substantive endorsements at each level of the chain of command.
(b) On or about 1 December:
Commandant (G-WTR) will provide each board member with a copy of the previous
year's board report, the disposition of the report's recommendations, and a list of all
issues submitted for the current board's review.
2. Commandant (G-WT) and the RPB may consider any reserve policy matter provided
or referred to the board any time during the fiscal year prior to the submittal of the
board's report to the Commandant.
3. The President of the board shall provide Commandant (G-WTR) with any Reserve
policy matters submitted directly to the President for RPB consideration for
distribution as provided in this paragraph.
(c) After 30 December, but not later than 30 January, the RPB shall meet to decide which
submitted issues to consider, and shall identify the most significant issues that impact all
or most of the Reserve Force. The board may combine several related issues into a single
revised issue for consideration. All items not selected for consideration will be
forwarded to Commandant (G-WTR) for possible action. Commandant (G-WTR) shall
notify the originator of such issues of their disposition.