Encl. (2) to COMDTINST 5700.10
Asset Management (OM&S and PP&E)
Process for proper valuation, management, recording and depreciation of operating material and
supplies; general property, plant and equipment; and other assets.
Key Process Manager: CG-842
Supporting Process Manager: CG-4
Quantity control
Obsolete control
Shipping activities
Receiving activities
Master file maintenance
Acquisition requests
Capitalization and depreciation
Prepaid assets
Other miscellaneous assets
Human Resource Management
Payroll and benefits related transactions for both military and non-military personnel and the
processing and recording of travel claims.
Key Process Manager: CG-1
Payroll and employee master file maintenance
Time and attendance
Payroll processing
Pension and post retirement benefits
Actuarial liabilities
Permanent change of station liabilities
Revenue Generation and Collection
Processing of license fees, fines, clean up cost recovery, and other receipts.
Key Process Manager: FINCEN
Supporting Process Manager: CG-842
Fines and fees processing
Customer master file maintenance
Accounts receivable
Revenue recognition