MAY 6 1997
Commanding Officer/director, for a period of up to 5 years after development
of such information, may provide appropriate protections against the
dissemination of such information, including exemption under the Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA).
Commanding Officers/directors shall consult with the Coast Guard
Laboratory's servicing legal staff and FOIA officer as appropriate.
Questions involving the distribution of royalties (Section 3710c of the FTTA)
should be referred to the DOT Office of the General Counsel (C-15) via the chain
of command.
To obtain authority to enter into CRADAs, Commanding Officers/directors of Coast
Guard Laboratories shall:
Review the mission statement of the laboratory. Two tests will be applied to the
mission statement: first, a substantial purpose of the laboratory must be research,
development or engineering; second, transfer of technology from the Federal
Government to a non-Federal entity must be an objective.
Request, via the chain of command and the Chief, Office of Procurement
Management (G-CPM), authority from the Director of Finance and
Procurement (G-CFP) to enter into CRADAs on behalf of the Coast Guard.
The letter of request shall include a copy of the mission statement of the laboratory
and any amplifying information deemed appropriate by the requesting command
including any examples, if known, of the types of CRADAs expected to be
entered into.
Upon review and approval, the Director of Finance and Procurement (G-CFP) will
delegate, in writing, authority to enter into CRADAs to the Director of the requesting
laboratory. This is a onetime delegation and will remain in effect as long as the
conditions of the delegation are met. The delegation letter will also designate the
Chief, Procurement Management Division as the disapproval authority for
individual CRADAs. (See subparagraphs 6.d.(8)-(10)).
Upon obtaining authority to enter into CRADAs, Commanding Officers/directors of
laboratories shall:
Develop and promulgate a unit instruction containing unit specific CRADA