AUG 08 1998
Contract Security Classification Specification in the contract. The Security
Requirements Clause contractually binds the contractor to the NISPOM and the DD 254
provides classification guidance. Program, project or system managers are responsible
for ensuring that these requirements are met.
Contract Security Classification Specification, (DD 254).
The DD 254 is used to provide a contractor with the classification guidance and
security requirements needed to perform a classified contract. Security
classification guides, scope of classified work, or other written narrative security
guidance, as appropriate, shall be provided via the DD 254.
The DD 254 shall be reviewed by Commandant (G-WKS-5) for accuracy prior to
issuing a solicitation or contract where classified work is involved.
The DD 254 shall be reviewed by the originator for currency and accuracy at least
biennially and changes provided to all holders on a timely basis. When no changes
are made as a result of the biennial review, the originator shall notify all holders of
the DD 254 in writing.
Changes shall be in strict conformance with the provisions of the NISPOM and
shall be provided to all holders of the DD 254 as soon as practicable after the need
for the changes are identified.
Contracts which will require the contractors to have access to Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI) must also be reviewed by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).
Program managers responsible for those contracts must coordinate the preparation and
submission of the DD-254 with the U.S. Coast Guard Special Security Office (SSO) in
the Intelligence Systems and Security Division (G-OCI-2). Once the DD-254 is
reviewed by ONI, all contractor SCI clearances will be managed by G-OCI-2.
REQUESTS FOR CHANGES. Units and individuals may recommend changes by writing
via the chain of command to Commandant (G-WKS-5), U. S. Coast Guard Headquarters,
Washington, DC 20593-0001.