Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 5512.10
0000." If the sponsor does not reside in one of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, or
one of the listed trust territories, enter the applicable foreign zip code or APO or FPO number. If
the sponsor is deceased or the zip code is unknown, leave blank. (Use no more than 9 characters.)
BLOCK 18. COUNTRY. If the sponsor lives in the United States, enter "US." Otherwise, enter
the sponsor's correct country of residence from the valid abbreviations listed in Exhibit 18-C-l of
reference (a). If the sponsor's address is an APO or FPO, the country must be "US." If the country
is unknown, leave blank. (Use 2 characters.)
BLOCK 19. UIC (UNIT IDENTIFICATION CODE). Enter the unique identifier of the
sponsor's unit organization. UIC equals PAS Code for Air Force, RUC-MCC for Marine Corps, or
OPFAC for Coast Guard personnel. If appropriate identifier code for the sponsor's orga- nization is
less than 8 characters, begin entering at the left of field and do not add zeros to fill extra spaces.
(Use no more than 8 characters.)
BLOCK 20. HOME TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Enter the sponsor's current residence, duty, or
business telephone number beginning with the area code. Do not use punctuation to separate the
area code, prefix, and basic number. This block may be left blank. (Use no more than 10
BLOCK 21. DATE OF BIRTH. Enter the sponsor's date of birth in 4-digit year, 3-character
month, and 2-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD). (Use 9 characters.)
BLOCK 22. BLOOD TYPE. Enter the sponsor's blood type from the valid list of abbreviations
listed in the left column below. (Use no more than 3 characters.)
A Positive
A Negative
B Positive
B Negative
AB Positive
AB Negative
O Positive
O Negative
BLOCK 23. COLOR EYES. Enter the sponsor's correct eye color from the valid abbreviations
listed in the left column below. If eye color is unknown, leave blank. (Use 2 characters.)