06 SEP 1990
(cont'd) Issuing activities shall send the DD Form 1173-1 by certified mail to the
eligible dependent, who must sign it and return it by certified mail to the issuing
activity. Once prepared in its final form, signed, and laminated, the card shall be sent,
again by certified mail, to the eligible dependent.
Completing DD Form 1173-1. Enclosure (2) contains block by block instructions for
completing DD Form 1173-1.
Overall Requirements. Proper procedures for strict accountability and security shall be
maintained for DD Form 1173-1. Requirements are set forth in paragraph 18-C-10,
reference (a). Note especially the requirement to advise the recipient in writing of
conditions under which the card is issued.
Missing Cards. When blank cards cannot be accounted for by the issuing activity, a report
shall be made to Commandant (G-OIS-3) indicating the circumstances involved, serial
number(s) of the missing card(s), corrective action taken, and if warranted, disciplinary
action taken. When appro- priate, notify all nearby commissaries, exchanges, medical
facilities, and Military Police of the missing card(s) by serial number.
DEERS ENROLLMENT. ID issuing activities should handle DD Form 1172 for the Reserve
family member ID card in the same manner as those for all other ID cards, per guidance in
paragraph 18-C-8.g. of reference (a). For dependency changes not requir- ing card issuance
(birth, divorces, etc.), the DD Form 1172 remains the reporting and data updating vehicle. In
such instances, Reserve unit commanding officers should send the original completed, verified
DD Form 1172 to district (rsa), retaining the pink copy for unit records, and giving the yellow
copy to the member. District commanders shall forward the original DD Form 1172 with a
DEERS Batch Transmittal Form (DD Form 2268) to the DEERS Support Office (DSO), P.O.
Box 16008, Monterey, CA 93942-6008. Reserve specific instructions for completing DD
Forms 2268 are in enclosure (3).
10. QUESTIONS. Questions regarding DEERS/ID cards should be addressed to Commandant (G-
RSM-l), Reserve DEERS Project Officer.
11. ACTION. Area and district commanders, commanders of mainte- nance and logistics
commands, unit commanding officers and Commander, Coast Guard Activities Europe shall
ensure adherence to the provisions of this Instruction.