Overall Classification Marking
The second step is to determine the overall classification of the
document. The overall classification level of information contained in
the document. In this example the highest classification is "Secret,"
found in paragraph two. Conspicuously place the overall
classification at the top and bottom of the page, as shown here.
If the document contains more than one page, place the overall
marking at the top and bottom of the outside of the front cover, on the
title page, on the first page, and on the outside of the back cover.
Mark other internal pages either with the overall classification or with
a marking indicating the highest classification level of information
contained on that page.
"Classified by" Line
David Smith, Chief, Division 5
Classified by:
Department of Good Works
Office of Administration
The next step is to identify the original classification authority.
Identify the classification authority on the "Classified by" line, as
shown here, by name or personal identifier, and position.
If the identification of the originating agency or office is not apparent on the face of the
document, place it below the "Classified by" line.
"Reason for Classification" Line
The fourth step is to cite the reason(s) for the decision to classify.
Place, at a minimum, a brief reference to the pertinent classification
found in paragraph
The last essential marking indicates the duration of classification. Place this on the
"Declassify on" line. Choose one of the following three declassification instructions,
selecting, whenever possible, the declassification instruction that will result in the
shortest duration of classification.
Date of Event: When possible, apply a date or event for declassification that
corresponds to the lapse of the information' national security sensitivity. The date or
event shall not exceed
years from the date of the original classification.
Ten Year Duration: When a specific date or event cannot be determined, apply the
date that is
years from the date of the original classification.