The committee will identify needs within the entire accession system and present their
recommendations to the key stakeholders.
NAC Membership will reflect the diverse missions of our Service and the diverse
composition of
the enlisted workforce. Members will
reflect a
variety of
experiences that represent the various enlisted ratings. The NAC will include enlisted
members who are currently serving, or have recently served, at units to which nonrated
personnel are normally assigned for their first tour of duty. Nine enlisted members will
be appointed as regular members, and not more than three additional members will be
appointed as alternates. One regular member must be a drilling reservist and one a
recruiter. When operational commitments or circumstances prevent a regular member
from attending, an alternate member will be invited.
Commandant (G-WT) will designate a Master Chief Petty Officer (E-9) as the NAC
Chairperson. The terms of the outgoing Chairperson and incoming Chairperson will
overlap one meeting. The Chairperson will be a graduate of a Senior Enlisted Academy.
Commandant (G-WTT) is the NAC coordinator.
All enlisted personnel E-5 and above may apply for NAC membership. The solicitation
for applications will be published via ALDIST during the first week of August each
year. Once selected, participation as a member of the NAC will normally be for three
years. Alternates will be automatically considered to fill regular member openings as
they occur.
Enlisted personnel interested in serving on NAC shall submit a brief letter to
Commandant (G-WTT) via their chain of command. Applications should include name,
rate, supervisory positions held at current and previous units over the last ten years, and
a brief synopsis of their involvement with nonrated personnel, e.g., ESO, Unit CMC,
immediate supervisor, assignment detailer, etc.). Applications should arrive in Coast
Guard Headquarters before 1 October each year. Commandant (G-WTT) will forward
recommendations for NAC membership to Commandant (G-WT) for appointment in
NAC stakeholders will be available to provide guidance and support for the NAC. The
chairman may request assistance including attendance at NAC meetings.
Representatives of the following offices shall serve as NAC stakeholders: Commandant
(G-SRF), Commandant (G-WTT-2), Commandant (G-WTL-2), Commandant (G-OCU),
Commandant (G-ORW), Commandant (G-WR), Commandant (G-WK) (Wellness),
Coast Guard Personnel Command (CGPC-epm-2) (CAC IV), Coast Guard
PersonnelCommand (CGPC-CGRC) (Operations Branch Chief), TRACEN Cape May
(Chief, Performance Technology Branch), TRACEN Cape May (Chief, Practical
Instruction Section), the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard and the Reserve
Component Command Master Chief.