Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 5400.14
(cont'd) physical or psychological damage to cadet athletes in either competitive or
recreational sports.
Schedule intercollegiate contests with other institutions of similar size and with
comparable academic standards and personal development philosophies.
Guarantee that all cadets are provided equal opportunities to compete in quality
athletic programs.
Cadet Administration and Training. The Cadet Administration Division is responsible for
providing a military, social, and residential environment conducive to achieving the goals
of the Academy. The Division is also charged with the design and operation of a
professional training program to impart the specialized knowledge and skills required of
Coast Guard officers. The specific requirements of these programs are:
Provide professional training to prepare cadets to assume the duties of
commissioned officers in the Coast Guard.
Introduce cadets to the customs and traditions of the Coast Guard, encouraged
development of loyalty to shipmates and to the Services, and strengthen their
commitment to public service as a primary value.
Serve as the focus of the Academy's commitment to developing a strong sense of
personal honor, and emphasize the behavioral aspects and practical consequences of
adhering to a code of professional ethics.
Coordinate well-organized extracurricular programs in intramural athletics, sailing,