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Sample Leadership Seminar Agenda
This outline provides a sample format for holding workplace leadership discussions based on
leadership essays.
A seminar leader should prepare for and guide the seminar. If the essay being discussed does not
include workplace examples or case studies, the seminar leader may choose to find related case
studies from the news or the Coast Guard to use in group discussions.
Opening: CO, XO, or other senior staff member makes opening remarks and presents essay
Seminar leader makes remarks, presents essay overview (if not already done), and
gives instructions for dialogue. At larger units, participants break into smaller
discussion groups (ideal group size is 3-9 people)
III. Group Exercise
Group discusses the essay and related Coast Guard issues
If case studies are included in the essay or provided by the seminar leader, sample
questions the group could address are:
What decisions would you make as a leader and why?
Looking back, what could have been done to prevent the incident from
occurring, and what can be done in the future to prevent it from occurring
What could the leader have done differently?
Group records discussion and main points
Group provides feedback to the entire forum on Discussions
IV. Seminar Close and Evaluation
Seminar leader summarizes group viewpoints
Seminar leader asks each participant to share an insight gained
Seminar leader asks for and records positive impressions and constructive criticism of
the seminar to consider in conducting future seminars