JUL 26 1996
For SSs desiring assignment as a FQM, commanding officers and officers in charge
shall complete the FQM command questionnaire enclosure (1) as part of the
screening process and forward it to Commander, Coast Guard Personnel Command
Commander, Coast Guard Personnel Command (CGPC-epm) and the SEFQM shall
screen all volunteers for FQM assignments and make recommendations for
assignments to the flag officers.
The FQM interview guide, provided in reference (b), should be used by flag officers
and FQM candidates during the selection process.
FQM Training. Training will be provided specifically in the skills required for Coast
Guard flag quarters management. This may include military and social etiquette and
protocol, uniform maintenance, quarters security, catering social functions, bartending,
and minor repairs and maintenance. Detailed training requirements and sources will be
identified by the SEFQM. Additionally, a short familiarization and indoctrination visit to a
flag quarters will be required for all SSs being considered for an initial FQM assignment.
FQM Assignment. FQM billets are listed in enclosure (2) and will be filled in accordance
with the current Coast Guard Personnel Command (epm) assignment policy. FQM tour
lengths will be four years, with a minimum of two years of obligated service to receive the
orders. A maximum of two one-year extensions may be granted with the approval of the
flag officer for a maximum of a six-year assignment. First class petty officers advanced to
chief petty officer while serving as FQM's may complete a normal four-year tour,
however, extensions are not authorized. FQM's will not be immediately reassigned to
another FQM billet upon completion of a tour. The flag officer may request a new FQM
at any time, and the FQM may request a release from the assignment at any time.
However, every effort should be made to enable an FQM to complete a successful full
FQM Supervision. The assigned flag officer is responsible for supervising the assigned
FQMs and will serve as the supervisor, marking official, and approving official for the
senior FQM and as the marking and approving official for all others.
SEFQM Chain of Command. The SEFQM will report to the Chief, Office of Health
Services (G-WKH).