Encl. (5) to COMDTINST 5280.1
b. Your responsibilities. References (a) through (c) contain various statements of
responsibility, authority, and accountability. The statements below and in sub-paragraphs c. and d.
summarize and supplement, but do not replace, those references. You shall:
(1) define functional requirements for all deepwater missions;
(2) develop demand-based projections of future workload in all applicable mission areas;
(3) develop appropriate Measures of Effectiveness and Performance Standards;
(4) ensure that the interests and requirements of all operating and support program
managers are integrated into the project;
(5) provide monthly progress reports to the Chief, Office of Law Enforcement and
Defense Operations;
(6) maintain complete, up-to-date documentation of all actions and decisions;
(7) act as the principal source of information for internal and external inquiries and
briefings on the project; and
(8) work through the assigned Guidance Team shown in enclosure (1) to develop and
document formal procedures for functional mission analysis. This tasking will include
recommending policy that would govern subsequent mission analysis for all programs. Status
updates on this task shall be provided at each meeting of the Operations Coordinating Council.
c. Your authority. You shall:
(1) take all proper actions necessary to ascertain deepwater functional requirements;
(2) obtain commitment from operating and support program managers to perform specific
project tasks with their resources;
(3) provide sponsor approval for supporting R&D proposals and projet plans;