analysis should include a technology assessment and identification of any gaps or
deficiencies in mission performance expected during the twenty-year window of the
analysis, The Mission Analysis process itself provides input to the operating program's
development of its Business Plan and doctrine.
If a deficiency is identified which requires a hardware solution, the end product of
Mission Analysis becomes a Mission Analysis Report (MAR) prepared in accordance
with HQINST 16010. This document provides significant input to budgeting as well as
acquisition planning. See enclosure (2) for a chart illustrating the linkages of Mission
Analysis with both the budgeting and acquisition process.
The complexity of a specific Mission Analysis and the resulting MAR is dependent on
how the mission is defined. Some deficiencies may be identified as part of the major
multi-mission or single-mission efforts discussed below. When the mission requirement
is more limited in scope, the deficiency can be identified and justified with
proportionately less documentation.
It must be remembered that Mission Analysis is intended to define a problem or future
technological Opportunity. It sets the scope of the problem and justifies a Mission Need.
Prior Coast Guard efforts in this area have largely focused on activity measures instead
of performance measures. In addition, as illustrated in reference (c), prior efforts may
have also focused too early on hardware solutions without first fully understanding the
functional mission requirements. This approach can miss the opportunity to achieve full
mission effectiveness and artificially limit system capabilities, especially later in a
system's life cycle. Done correctly, Mission Analysis is a process which requires
significant initiative and original thinking. It is not susceptible to a "cookbook"
Multi-mission Mission Analyses which integrate requirements across all operating
programs shall be conducted in the Deepwater mission area and the Coastal Zone
Response mission area. Deepwater Mission Analysis shall be led by a division-level
element within the Office of Law Enforcement and Defense Operations. Coastal Zone
Response Mission Analysis shall be lead by a division-level element within the Office
of Navigation Safety and Waterway Services. Both leadership teams, shall be supported
by broadly constituted Guidance Teams and Working Groups to ensure'adequate
representation of multiple programs requirements. Samples of Guidance