Enclosure (16) to COMDTINST 5230.60A
11. Headquarters Directors, Executive Officers and Deputy Commanders.
a. Establish a management structure to implement the Web-based Intranet and Internet
Information and Applications standards (Part 1194.22) referred to in Section 508.
b. Designate an individual to receive and process accessibility feedback and requests for
alternate formats from employees of the USCG and individuals in the general public with
c. Report to G-CIT, upon request, on the status of website progress for biennial Department of
Justice surveys and other management reports.
d. Assure that webmasters in their area of responsibility comply with the USCG Web-based
Intranet and Internet Information and Applications policy as found in enclosure (13).
12. DOT Disability Resource Center. The DOT DRC will remain available to Coast Guard
employees until further notice and will:
a. Provide outreach and awareness (briefings, demonstrations, and handouts) to assist the
Departmental efforts to achieve Section 508 compliance.
b. Provide consultation, test, and demonstrate assistive technologies in use by employees with
disabilities (on and appointment basis).
c. Maintain clearinghouse and of library of resources available to employees and offices.
d. Assist organizations with holding accessible meetings and other gatherings.
e. Convene meetings with the disabled community and other persons with disabilities to
provide input on policy options and possible choices, establishing priorities, system
selection, and technological evaluations to support accessibility efforts.
f. Liaison with Disability groups.