Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 5230.60A
6. Desktop and Portable Computers (36 CFR Part 1194 Section 26) The provisions of this standard
enable persons with disabilities to:
a. Operate all controls
b. Input data
c. Be recognized by the system independent of a particular biological characteristic
d. Use assistive devices via industry standard ports
Acquired products that meet the specific technical provisions set forth in Subpart B will also
meet the broader functional performance criteria in Subpart C. If an agency's procurement needs
are not fully addressed by Subpart B, then the agency must look to Subpart C for applicable
functional performance requirements.
7. General Functional Performance Standards (36 CFR Part 1194 Subpart C Section 31) The
provisions of this standard enable persons with disabilities to:
a. Use a mode of operation that does not require vision, or have support for vision-related
assistive technologies
b. Use a mode of operation that does not require hearing, or have support for hearing-related
assistive technologies
c. Use a mode of operation that does not require speech, or have support for speech-related
assistive technologies
d. Use a mode of operation that does not require fine motor control or simultaneous actions
e. Use a mode of operation that accommodates limited reach and limited strength
8. Information, Documentation and Support (36 CFR Part 1194 Subpart C Section 41) The provisions
of this standard enable persons with disabilities to:
a. Access available product support documentation in alternative formats
b. Obtain a description of product accessibility features in alternative formats
c. Obtain support services in a way that accommodates disabled end-users