U.S. Coast Guard Common Operating Environment (USCG COE)
ACCESS code location As previously stated, MSOffice is loaded to the client, C:\MSOffice\...
Access is located there.
INFORMIX interpreter code location There is no INFORMIX loaded as part of the default
SWIII standard configuration.
Data file locations Depends upon the type of data to be stored:
- Data that all users need to SHARE for a specific application: set storage for a developer-
determined subdirectory under an appropriate application subdirectory in the Apps share.
(E.g. D:\NSAPPS\MyApplication\MyData).
- Data that is of a temporary nature during program execution: utilize C:\TEMP on the client.
- Data that is unique for each application user: set up a specific location (if required so that it
can be "hard coded" into an application) or a user-specified location under the user's U:\ drive
(personal file storage) (e.g. U:\AppName\AppData).
Server Space Limitations.
The original SWIII architecture only provided 2-3Gbytes of space on the Application Server.
This space was intended/purchased for the 19 or 20 Mission Essential Applications designated to be
ported from CTOS to SWIII. There has been no clear policy set yet on what happens when a new
application comes along that fills the hard drive, or, more likely, when an MEA is deployed which
requires more space than is available, and non-MEAs are loaded on the Apps Server.
Standard Workstation recommended design practices
- NOTHING goes on the client (save for the exceptions noted previously).
- Every application SHOULD run from the Apps Server.
- Any unique files, .DLLs that are "updates" or "backdates" of existing system .DLLs, and all
data for an application should reside in an application-specific directory under the Apps or
NetApps file share.
- In the NT4.0 implementation items in the NetApps share can be made "visible" to all users
without having to field Icons to each individual desktop. For that reason NetApps is the
preferred location for new applications.