Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5230.55A
Detailed Policy Guidance
SWIII Contract Hardware or Software. The SWIII Migration Management Plan (MMP)
addresses resource requirements, support, and hardware and software transitions from CGSWII
to SWIII. This section addresses acquiring SWIII items in excess of the unit's current
workstation allowance.
Units may request additional standard workstations beyond what they will receive or have
received during migration. Commandant (G-SIA) is the final approval authority for additional
standard workstations. This authority is delegated to the LCCBs for the scenarios, paragraphs
a. through e., listed below. Once new requirements are approved, requesting units or their
program managers shall fund the cost associated with the workstations, such as the
workstations themselves, peripherals, software and additional cabling, and transfer funds to the
Standard Workstation Central Fund. Requesting units may have to fund recurring costs for
support, since the additional workstations were not included in the budgeting for standard
workstation support.
Unit receives new/transferred billets that require workstations. The IT support units
affected by the transfer should coordinate with transferring units to obtain previously
installed desktops and peripheral devices and coordinate with the funding organization to
determine costs and initiate fund transfers.
Unit receives contractors, contractor support, or Other Government Agency (OGA)
personnel who require SWIII workstations. In this case, the workstations are to be
returned to the ESU or program manager when the personnel are no longer required.
Unit has standard workstations that it requires to upgrade to more capable workstations, or
desires to change a standard desktop to a standard dockable workstation or vice versa, or
desires to make a standard portable workstation into a standard dockable workstation.
Requests shall be based on demonstrated business needs. Units shall return replaced
workstations to an ESU or program manager for reprogramming. The approving LCCB
will notify Commandant (G-SCC) of the type and quantity of workstations being replaced
for possible re-distribution. The replaced workstations, while unused, will not be counted
as part of the MAL for the ESU or program manager. The ESU or program manager shall
notify Commandant (G-SIA) when any of these workstations are put back in use.
Unit wishes to replace lost or stolen SWIII hardware or software.
Unit wishes to repair an older standard or nonstandard workstation by replacing it with a
standard workstation. Requests shall be based on demonstrated business needs.