Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5230.42A
Candidate Element. The status assigned to a data requirement that has been identified,
defined and submitted to Commandant (G-SIA) for review. Only the Data Administration staff
can modify or change the status of a Candidate element.
Approved Element. Candidate elements which have passed all reviews are upgraded to
approved elements by Commandant (G-SIA). Data values based on approved elements may be
used for development.
Installed Element. Once an approved element is used in a production application, it is
upgraded to an installed element.
Archived Element. Installed elements become archived elements when they no longer
support a data requirement. The archived element and its associated attributes will remain in the
data element database for a period of time established by Commandant (G-SII).
In addition to the above, a data element that has been submitted to Commandant (G-SIA) and is
rejected, or disapproved, is given a "No" status. This is the same as Development status. The
element is returned to the submitter for modifications and resubmission.