Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5230.42A
the use or purpose of a data element. Class Words designate the type of information maintained
about the object (Prime Word) of the data element name.
2.1.2 Class Word Approved List: Although Class Words are common among all organizations
and are typically limited to a few words, they should be defined to suit the particular needs of the
CG. In constructing CG data element names, an official Class Word list shall be developed,
maintained and centrally controlled by Commandant (G-SIA). Appendix B is the approved list of
Coast Guard Class Words for inclusion in the CG DADS as of the date of this publication.
2.1.3 Test for Class Words: To assist in identifying Class Words, the following question can be
What type of information is being maintained about the primary object in the data element
name? For example:
The primary object described is a "VESSEL". The word "NAME" describes the type of
information being maintained.
To help determine the Class Word in this example, ask the question: What type of
information is being maintained about the vessel? For this example, the answer is: The name of a
(Prime/Class Word)
Prime Words
2.2.1 Definition of Prime Words: The Prime Word identifies the object or element being
defined. Typically, these objects represent a person, place, thing or event about which an
organization wishes to maintain information. Prime Words may act as primary search identifiers
when querying a database system and provide a basic list of keywords for developing a general-to-
specific classification scheme based on business usages.
2.2.2 Prime Word Examples: Since the volume of required Prime Words is likely to number in
the thousands, a preliminary Prime Word list must be developed as a restricted vocabulary for
coordination and use across the organization. This list can be developed from a review/refinement
of terms appearing in the names of data elements defined in existing data systems. The premise is