without a completed aircrewman candidate physical examination in accordance
with reference (e) but will not receive orders to the Airman Program without an
approved aircrewman candidate physical examination.
Airman Program: Completion of the Airman Syllabus is a prerequisite for
Aviation "A" Schools. Members receiving orders as Airman to an air station
should immediately order the Airman Course (CG Institute Course Code 0600)
and the Search and Rescue (SAR) Aircrew Basic Course (CG Institute Course
Code 0440) from their Education Officer. Personnel will not receive TAD
orders to "A" School until completion of the Airman Program is ensured.
AST Rating Prerequisite: Effective 1 January 1999 members desiring to place
their name on the AST rating list must first pass a standard swim test. The swim
test involves completing a 400-yard swim in a maximum time of 11 minutes
without the use of flotation devices or swim fins. Any Commissioned Officer or
CPO can administer the swim test at any swimming facility measuring 25 yards
in length. Successful completion of the swim test shall be noted in the remarks
section of CG-5286.
Aviation Class "A" School List: The five aviation class "A"school lists were merged
in the Spring of 1998 to reflect the new rating structure. Personnel failing to complete
the Airman Program and/or Class "A" school will be reverted to their previous path of
advancement (SN or FN) per reference (a).
New Aviation Class "A" School Curricula: Effective 1 October 1998, all aviation
Class "A" schools will be instructed under the new rating curricula.
Airman Program: Approximately four months prior to an aviation class "A" school
convening, personnel on the AMT, AVT and AST Aviation Rating Lists should
anticipate PCS orders to a Coast Guard Air Station based on projected available
billets, proximity to previous unit, service needs and member's desires. The individual
will be placed in a Training Allowance Billet (TAB) upon arrival, enrolled in the
Airman Program and assigned to the unit's engineering department. The unit
Educational Service Officer (ESO) will provide each member with the Airman
Program Training Package. Engineering Administration is responsible for monitoring
airman and will document progress in the member's training record no later than the
first week of every month. At the three-month evaluation, the engineering staff will
carefully review the member's potential for completion of the Airman Program and
retention in aviation. If applicable, the unit Commanding Officer will notify CGPC-
epm-2 by message of member's disenrollment from the Airman Program and the
disenrolled member will receive orders, based on service need, as a SN or FN. Units
must notify Commandant (G-SRF) of member's completion of Airman Program.
Upon written notification, the member will be placed on the appropriate Class "A"
school convening list. Further guidance is