(f) Within their functional areas, provide and certify authoritative M&S data for use across
the enterprise.
d. The M&S Advisory Council consists of all the Functional Area Managers and Commandant
(CG-0931), which acts as the chair and Executive Secretariat. The M&S Advisory Council shall:
(1) Provide the C oast Guard's recommendations and advice to the M&S Executive on matters
pertaining to M&S.
(2) Develop a shared strategic direction that facilitates the alignment and integration of Coast
Guard M&S requirements and investments to advance Coast Guard M&S.
(3) Guide the development of the Coast Guard Master Plan for M&S.
(4) Support and provide subject matter expertise for M&S initiatives such as VV&A, data
standards, etc.
(5) Provide the M&S Executive a coordinated Coast Guard response on M&S issues external to
the service.
(6) Determine and communicate the M&S workforce requirements including competencies and
skills to Commandant (CG-1).
e. The Program Manager, Coast Guard Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E)
Program, shall appoint a Coast Guard M&S Technical Advisor to the M&S Advisory Council
that shall:
(1) Provide technical advice to the M&S Executive Secretariat and the M&S Advisory Council.
(2) Investigate, develop, and recommend new modeling, simulation and analysis techniques that
show promise and benefit.
f. The M&S Program Manager is the organization, i.e., program manager, commanding officer,
headquarters office, project officer, etc., who has primary responsibility for the development,
V&V and configuration management of a particular M&S capability as well as its application in
specific areas of interest. The M&S Program Manager shall:
(1) Follow the M&S directives and policies promulgated in the execution of this Instruction and
be primarily responsible for:
(a) Life-cycle Management
(b) Interoperability
(c) Verification &Validation
(d) Configuration Management